Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dark Poplar

This is my latest flute, made from dark poplar, this is the wood's natural color. It's finished with tung oil and FlootWax. 3/4" bore, concert tuned to the key of F#

Monday, January 8, 2007

Favorite Flute

This is my favorite "personel" flute. If I could only have one, this would probably be the one I would keep. It's also the first wooden flute I made and perhaps that is partly what makes it my favorite. It's made of western cedar, is in the key of G#, has a finish of beeswax and oil, and breaks about every flute making "rule" there is. But is still a nice sounding instrument.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Hello to all my fellow flute making friends.
Hope everone had a great New Year and a safe one.
Well I finally got my flute page up and running but its not done as yet.
I have 2 or 3 more pages to add to it before it is finished. I hope to be back on Pal-Talk with all of you guys soon, But as of right now things are a little rough around the edges, But ole Runningbear will be back in the pocket soon this thing can't keep me down its just a small rock in the road so I can go around or step over it. Not much this time on the blog I will have more to add next time. Thanks Doug for getting this blog going.
Walk in peace.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First Post

Hello All,
I've created this blog to attempt to bring together some NA flutemakers who I admire and respect. With the purpose of having a group effort to share ideas and techniques. Hopefully, there will be a lot of interesting and educational stuff posted here.